Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Catfish Review


            Yaniv Schulman, a photographer who had one of his photo’s featured in a local news paper.  Abby, a young girl who contacts “Nev” to paint his pictures.  Everything seems to be so normal, little does Nev know, everything is not what it seems.
            “Catfish” was a movie released in 2010. Filmmakers Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost document a story involving Ariel's brother, Nev, a 24-year-old New York-based photographer, and Abby, from rural Michigan who contacts Nev via Facebook, asking for permission to make a painting from one of his photographs. 
            Yaniv “Nev” was a photographer who had his photo’s featured in a local news paper.  He begins receiving paintings from a young girl named Abby.  These paintings are good, very good. Abby is an up coming artist who is on the right track to make it, with the help of her mother.  Angela was Abby’s coach and mentor.  As well as her sister Megan.  Megan was 19 years old, just like Nev was.  Nev connected with Megan in many ways.  It seemed as if there was a love connection being established through this online relationship.  Just as Nev thought things were too good to be true, he uncovered lies.  Nev and his friends decided to take a road trip to Michigan and surprise the family.  What they uncovered would never have been expected.
            I thought the idea to this movie was really good.  This movie was very good at explaining what could happen through online relationships and communication through social networking sites.  I don’t think the movie would have been so good if it was not for Nev being the main character.  Nev seemed to lighten up the suspense when anything was on its way to being a large cliff hanger.
            I do recommend people to watch this movie.  Especially if anyone uses social networking sites.  It is a very suspenseful movie which will leave you wondering what will happen next.  This movie shows you the truth’s about FaceBook and all of the things you can do with it.

I edited Stu's, and Kevin's paper's

Friday, January 21, 2011

Cat Fish Day 3, Ending

This was a good movie. I liked this movie more than i thought i would.  I thought Nev handled the situation very well.  I would have never handled it like that.  Angela was weird, and she is NUTS. The movie was a good movie to watch in this class because it showed what could happen if you are talking to someone on the internet and you have no idea who they really are.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Catfish Day 2

This movie is WEIRD, that old lady is a freak.  I dont know why Nev stayed there as long as he did.  I would have been gone a long time ago.  It is way too creepy.  This movie freaks me out when you think about who you are really talking to online.  I am anxious to watch the ending, though i dont know if i really want to. who knows what else will be uncovered.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My first reaction about this movie is that it is weird.  It is an interesting movie to watch but i dont know what to really think about it until i watch more.