Thursday, November 18, 2010

5 Minute Free write

I thought the video had a little too much going on.  It focused alot on social networking sites and how they might be separating people from the outside world.  What they forgot to mention was that it may indeed be bringing more people together.  It explained what social networking sites were popular and what sites were good for search engines explaining that youtube is the number 2 largets search engine EVER, which is self-explanitory when you realize that most people will use this site on a daily basis as a form of entertainment and not necisarrily for searching different things.  I think this video was a little over dramatic when it comes to the whole social networking/ internet situation because it does bring more people together than it does tear them apart which explains why it said 1 in 6 people now days have met their significant others on a social networking site because they are easy ways to meet new people without actually going out and meeting them.  I do think social networking sites have taken a little bit away from some peoples social lives but with that being said it has caused some people's social status to rise significantly whithin the years they have  been around.

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